Mario Kart Wii — KMP Object Query

This is the online version of the command wkmpt OBJECTS (wkmpt is a tool of Wiimms SZS Tools). Both use keywords to find and view global objects of KMP files.

The database is build from a statistical analysis of all Mario Kart Wii tracks and from information of the Custom Mario Kart Wiiki. If you find errors or know more about objects, then please edit the wiki page »Object«. The current database is based on the Wiiki version of 2022-08-29.


Enter a space separated list of keywords. Keywords are searched in object names, file names and descriptions. A keyword can also be an object index written as decimal or hexadecimal number. If a keyword begins with '$', then the search is limited to the object names. If a keyword begins with '$$', then the object name must match exactly the keyword. The search is always case insensitive.

© Wiimm, 2022-08-29