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wszst binary

Read each source file (binary or text, but never archives) and write the content as binary file. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed.

The file extension of the new file depends on the file type, but is usually .bin. Currently supported file formats are BMG, GEOHIT, ITEMSLOT, KCL, KMG, KMP, LEX, OBJFLOW, PAT and the related text formats.


1.   Syntax

wszst BINARY [source]...

2.   Options

Option Param Description
--no-wildcards Disable wildcard parsing and use each filename exactly as specified.
--in-order Process the input files in order of the command line and don't delete duplicates.
-i --ignore Ignore non existing source files without warning.
--kmg-limit seconds Limit the run time for Ballon Battle and Coin Runners to the given time in SECONDS. Smaller values are not changed. The limitation is carried out after loading a binary file and before scanning a text file. Value 0 disables this option.
--kmg-copy id Make all 10 slots of a KMG file equal after loading a binary file and before scanning a text file. ID is either a slot index (0..9) or a slot name (A11..A25) and declares the source slot. Value -1 disables this option. If ID contains brackets [...], then it is analysed as an arena name and the part between the brackets is searched for attributes A11..A25.
-d --dest path Define a destination path (directory/file). The destination - means: write to standard output.

The path may contain escape sequences: %Q is replaced by the fully qualified source name. %P and %F are replaced by the source path or by the filename. %N and %E are replaced by source filename without extension or by the source extension. Finally, %T is replaced by the default extension of the destination format.

A '?' direct behind '%' in %E and %T conversions avoid that the same extension is used twice in row.

-D --DEST path Like --dest, but create the directory path automatically.
-E --esc char Define an alternative escape character for destination files. The default is '%'. For Windows batch files it is a good choice to set '-E$'.
-p --preserve Preserve file times (atime+mtime) while converting or copying files.
-u --update Update only existing files and don't create new files. If set, --overwrite and --remove-dest are ignored.
-o --overwrite Overwrite already existing files without warning and ignore option --number.
--number If a file already exist, append a number directly before the file extension to make the filename unique. If other numbered files already exist (ignoring case), use the maximum existing index+1. --num is a short cut.
-r --remove-dest Remove already existing files before creating it. If set, --overwrite is ignored. --rm-dest is a short cut.

3.   Description

The main usage is to encode a text file and store the result as binary file. Anyway, encoding of a binary fie is possible too. In this case the new binary file normalized and updated (depends on file format).

Use option --overwrite (short: -o) to overwrite already existing files.

Text files are scanned by a 2-pass parser. Because of the parser, expression enclosed in parenthesis (...) can be used instead simple values. See »Text Parser« for details.

See »wszst TEXT« to create text versions of binary files.