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wkclt list

This debugging command prints a list of all triangles with metrics in human and machine readable text format. It is like DUMP, but reduced to the list of triangles. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. The output of all source files is concatenated and printed to standard output.


1.   Syntax

wkclt LIST source...

2.   Options

Option Param Description
--no-wildcards Disable wildcard parsing and use each filename exactly as specified.
--in-order Process the input files in order of the command line and don't delete duplicates.
-i --ignore Ignore non existing source files without warning.
-N --no-check Do not make plausibility checks for KCL files.
-c --const list Define constant values, that are used by the internal encoders and by the numeric options as predefined global variables. This option allows a conditional encoding of text files. It can be used multiple times for multiple definitions.

The parameter is a comma separated list of terms and a term is 'name=expression'. The expression is calculated by the text parser.

--scale vector[@origin] Transform the data: Scale all coordinates and size values by 'vector' relative to the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, 0,0,0 is used instead.

Negative values mirror the coordinates. Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z').

Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, ROTATE, TRANSLATE.

--shift vector Transform the data: Add 'vector' to all coordinates. It's simlar to --translate, but the addition is done before rotation. The parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z').

Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, ROTATE, TRANSLATE.

--xss x1old,x1new,x2old,x2new --xss (x-scale-shift) calculates the X values of --scale and --shift, so that old values are transformed to the new values. The parameters are numbers or expression.
--yss y1old,y1new,y2old,y2new --yss (y-scale-shift) calculates the Y values of --scale and --shift, so that old values are transformed to the new values. The parameters are numbers or expression.
--zss z1old,z1new,z2old,z2new --zss (z-scale-shift) calculates the Z values of --scale and --shift, so that old values are transformed to the new values. The parameters are numbers or expression.
--rot degree[@origin] Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' (is a vector) around the 3 axes. All 3 axes goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, 0,0,0 is used instead.

Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,y,z').

Option --rot is an alternative for --xrot, --yrot and --zrot to define all 3 rotations in one step. Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE.

--xrot degree[@origin] Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' around the x-axis, that goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, 0,0,0 is used instead.

Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('y,z' or 'x,y,z').

Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE.

--yrot degree[@origin] Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' around the x-axis, that goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, 0,0,0 is used instead. This is a horizontal counterclockwise rotation and the old option name --hrot can also used.

Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z').

Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE.

--zrot degree[@origin] Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' around the z-axis, that goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, 0,0,0 is used instead.

Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,y' or 'x,y,z').

Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE.

--translate vector Transform the data: Add 'vector' to all coordinates. It's simlar to --shift, but the addition is done after rotation. The parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). --trans is a short cut.

Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, ROTATE, TRANSLATE.

--null Create a neutral transformation without affecting the coordinates. The only influence is, that the dependent values (like maximum) are re-calculated as if a transformation has taken place.
--next Close the current transformation step with all scaling, shifting, rotation and translation options and open a new step with cleared options. On transformation each step is logical done one by one. In real, one total transformation matrix is calculated and used for fast transformations.

If option --next is used, the ability for modifying the scale and rotation vectors (not the positions) of different KMP sections is nearly always lost. A warning is printed if this occurs.

--ascale factor@dir Transform the data and do an axis scale: Close the current transformation step like --next and scale the data by 'factor' into the direction given by the vector 'dir'. Store the resulting matrix as single transformation step and open a new one.

This kind of transformation is EXPERIMENTAL!

--arot degree[@pos1]@pos2 Transform the data and do an axis rotation: Close the current transformation step like --next and rotate the data by 'degree' around the axis defined by the 2 points. If 'pos1' is not set, use 0,0,0 instead. Store the resulting matrix as single transformation step and open a new one.

This kind of transformation is EXPERIMENTAL!

--tform-script script Load the script and execute it by the text parser.

Then for each coordinate (2D and 3D), call the macro TRANSFORM after all other transformations. Call it without parameters and set variable $I with a zero based index of all vertices, variable $D to the dimension (2 or 3) and the variable $P to the vector of the current vertex. If the macro returns a vector, it is the new position.

For each file, macro BEGIN is called at the beginning and END after processing all points, but only, if the macros are defined. For END, variable $I is set to the number of processed vertices in the current file.

Before each macro call, the private and local variables are cleared and only global parameters are permanent. The zero based index is cleared for each new source. The parameters of the macro calls are defined in the local name space.

--kcl list Set global options for KCL processing. Parameter 'list' is a comma separated list of keywords. A minus sign before a keyword disables a setting. Each occurrence of the option will only change entered settings and all other settings are untouched.

Keyword DEFAULT resets the default settings and CLEAR disables all. Keywords SMALL, MEDIUM and CHARY select the default parameters for the octree creation. The other allowed keywords are: FAST, NEW, CENTER, ROUND, NORMALS, MTL, WIIMM, TRIANGLES, OUT-SWAP, G, USEMTL, CLIP, IN-SWAP, AUTO, HEX4, HEX23, HEX, DROP-UNUSED, DROP-FIXED, DROP-INVALID, DROP, RM-FACEDOWN, RM-FACEUP, FIX-ALL, TINY-0 ... TINY-7, CONV-FACEUP, WEAK-WALLS, SORT, INPLACE, SILENT and LOG.

--kcl-flag joblist Modify the KCL flag of KCL files. A comma separated job list in the format 'srclist=dest' is expected. 'srclist' is a plus sign separated list with single values like <val>, T<type> and <val>/<mask> or ranges like <val>:<val>, T<type>:<type> and <val>:<val>/<mask>. '<val>' is a complete KCL flag in the range of 0..0xffff. '<type>' are only the base types in the range of 0..0x1f. If <mask> is present, it marks the relevant bits. For the T<type> variant, the mask is set to 0x1f.

All KCL flags of the source list are assigned to the new value 'dest', but only the set bits of '<mask>' are modified. A later definition overrides the previous one.

--kcl-script script After reading a KCL source file and executing all transformations, the text file 'script' is executed by the internal text parser. The script should use the parser functions tri$*() to read and modify the triangle positions and flags, or to add or remove complete triangles.

If this option is used multiple times, each script is executed in the entered order.

--tri-area EXPR Define the minimal area size of KCL triangles. The intention is to ignore triangles that are generally to small. EXPR is a floating point number or expression. Triangles are invalidated if their area size is smaller than EXPR. The test is executed after reading files, after transformations, and after calculating normals and lengths. Values between 0.01 and 4.0 are recommended. The careful value 1.0 is used as default. Value 0 disables this filter functionality.
--tri-height EXPR Define the minimal height of KCL triangles. The intention is to ignore deformed triangles (very slim, but long). EXPR is a floating point number or expression. Triangles are invalidated if at least 1 of the 3 heights is smaller than EXPR. The test is executed after reading files, after transformations, and after calculating normals and lengths. Values between 0.01 and 2.0 are recommended. The careful value 1.0 is used as default. Value 0 disables this filter functionality.

--tri-ht is an alternative name for the option.

--flag-file filename Define a flag file if scanning an OBJ file (KCL processing). The file name may contain %-escapes. Set it to an empty string to disable flag files at all.

The tool search the flag file in the following order until found: File defined by --flag-file; OBJ file name with replaced extension ('a.obj' becomes 'a.flag'); OBJ file name with appended extension ('a.obj' becomes 'a.obj.flag').

--slot keyword Patch a track file to run at the specified slot. KMP and KCL may be modified. BRRES files may be added to or removed from SZS. The main keywords are DAISY, DESERT, SHERBET, SHYGUY, STANDARD and MOST. Slot numbers (except '42' and '4.2') and different other track names are also accepted. For some conversions, the auto-add library is needed.