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wctct bmg

Read the source files and print a BMG message listing to standard output. BRRES, TEX0, CT-CODE, CT-TEXT and LE-BIN are accepted as input.


1.   Syntax

wctct BMG [source]...

2.   Options

Option Param Description
-B --brief Filter the message by tracks, that are used a racing track. If set twice, suppress also tracks created by the 'N' command of CT-TEXT files. If set 3 times, suppress always the output of first 32 tracks.
-l --long Normally, only the track and arena names are exported. The message id (MID) range is 4000-40FF. If set, cup names are exported too as MID 4200-423F. If set twice, cup/track relations are also exported as MID 4300-43FF.
-i --ignore Ignore non existing source files without warning.
--list Cancel all previous --rel and --full and enter LIST mode (default) for text output.

In LIST mode only a track list is generated. On scanning the tracks are automatically distributed to the cups. This makes rearanging very simple.

--ref Cancel all previous --list and --full and enter REFERENCE mode for text output.

In REFERENCE mode all tracks and cups are printed separately. After scanning the cup and track layout is the same as the original code file.

--full Cancel all previous --list and --rel and enter FULL mode for text output.

FULL mode is a combination of LIST and REF modes.

--hex Normally and if available, names are printed for music and property slots. If this option is set, hex numbers are printed always.
-H --no-header Suppress the syntax information section in CTC text files.
-X --export Enable the export mode and create small and machine readable text files for easy post processing. The option works similar like -HB for CT-CODE output.
--bmg-endian name Force an endian for new BMG files. Accepted values are BIG or BE for big endian, LITTLE or LE for little endian and AUTO for automatic detection (default).

Mario Kart Wii uses big endian; the default if no other endian is defined.

--bmg-encoding name Force an encoding for new BMG files. Accepted encoding names are CP-1252, UTF-16BE (or UTF-16), SHIFT-JIS, UTF-8 and AUTO for automatic detection (default). Same keywords without minus signs are accepted too.

Mario Kart Wii uses encoding UTF-16BE; the default if no other encoding is defined.

--bmg-inf-size size Defines the 'INF1' size of new BMG files between 4 and 1000. The first 4 bytes of a INF1 record is an offset into the string pool and the remaining bytes the attributes. Maximal 40 attribute bytes are supported and additional bytes are assumed to be NULL. All BMG files of MKW have a size of 8.
--bmg-mid [mode] Control the creation of BMG section MID1. Suppress the creation, if mode is OFF. Force the creation, if mode is ON. On mode AUTO (default), the source is analysed for the decision.
--force-attrib attrib Forces, that all attributes are set to this vector.
--def-attrib attrib Define the default attributes for BMG files. If not set, the default attributes are estimated. On text output, strings with default attributes are printed without attribute vector. The usual default attribute for MKW is [1].
--no-attrib Suppress the output of any BMG attributes if creating BMG text files.
--x-escapes Use \x{} escapes instead of \z{} escapes.
--old-escapes To be compatible with v1.43 and earlier, print 1A escape sequences with total size of >12 bytes as single words using \x{}. Also don't use \x{} and \u{} with parameter lists.
-1 --single-line If set, don't print continuation lines for BMG text output. If set twice, print only single text lines but not value lines.
--no-bmg-colors If set, suppress the output of '\c{color}' escape sequences for colors definitions in BMG text output to be compatible with old versions of the tools.
--bmg-colors Force output of '\c{color}' escape sequences with names, even for foreign (not MKWii) BMG files.
--no-bmg-inline Print BMG attributes as separate line before the message definition to be compatible with versions until v1.39. The output for the standard value 0x01000000 is always suppressed. This was the default until v1.43.
--write-tracks file 'IDX>MID|NAME' is written for each track. --wtracks is a short cut.
--no-echo Suppress output of @ECHO commands while scanning text files.
-N --no-check Do not make plausibility checks for KCL and KMP files.
--load-bmg file Load immediately the file to fill an internal message pool. The option can be used multiple times to fill the message pool by different sources. A later message overrides the previous message.

The internal message pool is patched by all --patch-bmg options.

--patch-bmg mode[cond][=param] This option specifies a BMG patch mode. Some of the modes need a parameter or a file name of a BMG patch file (raw or text BMG), both separated by an equal sign. Modes with required file names are PRINT, REPLACE, INSERT, OVERWRITE, DELETE, MASK, EQUAL and NOTEQUAL. Modes with text parameter are FORMAT, REGEXP and RM-REGEXP. Standalone modes are ID, ID-ALL, UNICODE, RM-ESCAPES, RM-CUPS, CT-COPY, CT-FORCE-COPY, CT-FILL, LE-COPY, LE-FORCE-COPY, LE-FILL, X-COPY, X-FORCE-COPY and X-FILL. Unique abbreviations are allowed.

The optional condition COND is either '?MID' or '!MID'. In case of '?MID', the patch is only applied if the message id MID already exists. In case of '!MID', the patch is only applied if the message id MID does not exists.

If this option is used multiple times, all patch files will be processed in the entered order.

--macro-bmg file Load a BMG file and add the messages to the macro library; already existing entries are replaced. The macro library is accessed by escape sequence \m{MID} as fallback, if the active file has not already defined the message MID by itself.
--filter-bmg list If this option is set, the BMG messages are filtered by this list. Only enabled messages are exported to the output BMG file (binary or text).

The parameter is a list of message ids (short MID, 'Txx' or 'Uxx' or Mxx' or hex number) or message ranges (MID:MID) or one of the keywords NONE, IDENT (=ID), PARAM, CUPS, TRACKS, ARENAS, CHAT, CTCODE (=CT), CTUPS, CTTRACKS, CTARENAS, CTREFS, LECODE (=LE), LEUPS, LETRACKS, LEARENAS, LEREFS, XCODE (=X), XUPS, XTRACKS, XARENAS, XREFS, ALLCODE, ALLUPS, ALLTRACKS, ALLARENAS, ALLREFS, GENERIC or ALL. If an element is preceded by a minus sign, it is removed from the filter list (disabled).

With v2.01a, this option was renamed from --msg to the more meaningful name --filter-bmg. The old name is still available.

--patch-names If set, the names of the CUP1 and CSR1 sections are patched by the loaded BMG files directly after loading the source files.
--order-by bmg Load the BMG file and filter track names. Then before creating output files, re-distribute the tracks of the additonal cups (9-) to the same cups by the order of the read track names. Tracks without BMG reference are placed at the end of all tracks. This option modifes only the track order of the cups, but will not change any name.
--order-all Used together with option --order-by: Re-distribute the tracks of all cups beginning with Mushroom Cup.