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wlect: Wiimms LE-CODE Tool

Wiimms LE-CODE Tool : Manage the LE-CODE and LEX extensions.


1.   Syntax

wlect [option]... command [option|parameter|@file]...

2.   Features of wlect

Read »Features« for features of the whole toolset.

3.   Commands

VERSION V Print program name and version and exit.
HELP H Print help for commands and options.
CONFIG Show all information about the search for the configuration file and its content.
ARGTEST This debug command accepts all kinds of parameters and prints one line for each parameter. All tools know the ARGTEST command.
EXPAND This debug command accepts (like ARGTEST) all kinds of parameters and prints one line for each parameter. After that, the parameter is treated as a filename with wildcards and all matching files are searched. All tools know the EXPAND command.
TEST This debugging command accepts all options and parameters and prints a list of the internal option values. The command is designed to test the option parameters. The non option parameters are completely ignored.
COLORS Ignore all parameters and print colored text for testing.
ERROR ERR Translate an exit code to a message name. If no exit code is entered, print a table with all error messages. All tools know the ERROR command.
FILETYPE FT Scan the header of the entered files and print file type and path for each file as list. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. All tools know the FILETYPE command.
FILEATTRIB FA Print a table with attributes for all known file types. If at least one keyword is entered, only matching file types are printed. A keyword is either a file type (like 'BRRES' or 'BMG') or one of the printed keywords (like 'ARCHIVE' or 'EXTRACT'). All tools know the FILEATTRIB command.
SYMBOLS Print predefined symbols of text parser to standard output. The LE-CODE specific symbols are included.
FUNCTIONS Print a list with all parser functions including the LE-CODE specific functions. If one key ore more key entered, then only functions that match at least one key are printed.
CALCULATE Calculate each expression and print the result to standard output. Many tools know the CALCULATE command.
FLOAT This commands helps to convert hex values into floating point numbers and vice versa. For each non empty parameter, a line with 4 bytes hex and a float, 8 bytes hex and a double float, and the parameter itself is printed. If a parameter begins with 'x' or '0x', it is a hex string, otherwise it is a floating point number.

The special parameters "+" and "-" mean: Increment or decrement the previous value by the smallest possible value. Use different increments for floats and doubles.

All conversions are done using big endian.

DUMP D Print an information dump for each source file. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. LE-CODE binaries and LEX binaries are accepted as input.
DBwlect DL [source]...
DL Short cut for DUMP --long.
DLL Short cut for DUMP --long --long.
DLLL Short cut for DUMP --long --long --long.
BIN-DIFF BINDIFF Compare parts of 2 different LECODE binary files. SETTINGS is a string with plus and minus signs to switch between plus/minus modes, and some key letters to select parts: s:size, h:header, t:timestamp, b:body, p:parameters, d:data, c:code and a:all. In plus-mode, a test is enabled, in minus-mode it is disabled. Scanning starts in plus-mode.

Example: a-t: compare all except timestamps and edit infos.

The exist status is OK (0) if nothing differ, DIFFER (2) if at least one test failed, or an error code.

PATCH P Read each LE-CODE binary file and patch it. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. Use --le-define to setup cups and tracks.
LPAR Read each LE-BIN file and patch it. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. Then extract the LE-CODE parameters and store them as LPAR text file. Print the result to standard output if no other destination is defined.
CREATE CR Create a file and print it to standard output. Options --dest and --DEST can force another destination. The kind of file is defined by KEYWORD. The command can create LEX files, a LPAR file or a track listing.

Use the command without keyword to get an extended description.

DISTRIBUTION DIS This command manages data for LE-CODE track distributions. It reads any number of source files with different file types, collects the data and creates any number of files with different file types. The parameters are evaluated step by step. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed.

Use the command without keyword to get an extended description.

CAT Read the entered LEX and LE-CODE files (text, binary or szs) and print them as decoded text files to standard output. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. The output of all source files is concatenated.
DECODE DEC Read the entered LEX files (text or binary) and decode them to text files. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. The default destination is '%P/%N.txt'.
ENCODE ENC Read the entered LEX files (text or binary) and encode (compile) them to binary files. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. The default destination is '%P/%N.lex'.

4.   Options in alphabetic order

Option Param Description
--200cc [=mode] Enable or disable 200cc support. Mode is one of OFF, AUTO (default) or ON (default, if option is used without parameter). LE-CODE hasn't implemented this feature yet!
--alias list The parameter is a comma separated list of SLOT=ALIAS elements. SLOT defines the slot, for which the ALIAS is defined. ALIAS itself is a slot number to be executed, if SLOT is selected. Empty and invalid elements are ignored. Multiple usage is possible: the lists are concatenated.
--allow-all Usually commands accept only options with impact to the command. All other options fire a syntax error. But if --allow-all is set, all commands accept all options.

This makes changing the command of a long command line without removing useless options easier. It also helps to override wrong option permissions.

-B --brief Suppress cross reference comments.
--cache dir Define a directory for an SZS cache. The cache is used to generate LTA files when new compression is forced. Option --remove-dest is set automatically to protect cache integrity.

The idea behind the cache: Loading an SZS file and comparing the decompressed content is clearly faster than compressing the file.

--chdir dir Set a new working directory for all following options, for all parameters and for the command execution. This option can be used multiple times, but for parameter parsing and for command execution only the last usage is relevant. Nevertheless, '@param' values are scanned while reading the command line.
--colors [=modus] Define the modus for colored text output. Allowed keywords are: OFF or NO-COLORS to disable colors, AUTO (default) for automatic detection, ON for automatic detection but never OFF, 8-COLORS and 256-COLORS to force 8 or 256 color support. Without parameter, ON is used.

AUTO will enable colorized output only for terminals. AUTO and ON use environment variable TERM to find the correct color modus.

If a command is prefixed by 'C-', then --color=ON is used implicitly as default.

--compatible vers The option expects a version number (format '#.##' or 'v#.##') or a revision number (format 'r#') as parameter. If set, the tools try to create BMG and KMP text files, that are compatible to the entered version of the tools. This may override other legacy options.
-C --complete Append missing sections to the LEX file.
--config file Define a configuration file or a directory as source. In later case, file 'wiimms-szs-tools.conf' is searched.

If option is not not set, then file 'wiimms-szs-tools.conf' is searched in different directories. Use command 'wszst CONFIG' to get more details.

-c --const list Define constant values, that are used by the internal encoders and by the numeric options as predefined global variables. This option allows a conditional encoding of text files. It can be used multiple times for multiple definitions.

The parameter is a comma separated list of terms and a term is 'name=expression'. The expression is calculated by the text parser.

--copy-tracks directory Define a search directory for all included tracks. Files found in this directory are copied to the directory specified by option --track-dir.
--create-distrib file Create a LE-CODE distribution dump with a track list and more info about the current distribution. Store the dump into a file.
--ct-code Enable CT-CODE support.
--custom-tt [=mode] Enable or disable time trial for custom tracks. Mode is one of OFF, AUTO (default) or ON (default, if option is used without parameter).
--de Use german track and arena names.
--debug mode Enable or disable the debug output while racing. Mode is one of OFF, AUTO (default, don't change setting), USER or 100 to 199 for predefined setups.
-d --dest path Define a destination path (directory/file). The destination - means: write to standard output.

The path may contain escape sequences: %Q is replaced by the fully qualified source name. %P and %F are replaced by the source path or by the filename. %N and %E are replaced by source filename without extension or by the source extension. Finally, %T is replaced by the default extension of the destination format.

A '?' direct behind '%' in %E and %T conversions avoid that the same extension is used twice in row.

-D --DEST path Like --dest, but create the directory path automatically.
--engine list Define probabilities for engine classes. LIST is a vector for 100cc,150cc,mirror If 200cc is enabled by --200cc, then vector is interpreted as 150cc,200cc,mirror. Any numbers are accepted. They are normalized to get a total of 100 percent. Use 0,1,0 to force 150cc only. Use 0,0,0 to reset to Nintendos VR based choice.
-E --esc char Define an alternative escape character for destination files. The default is '%'. For Windows batch files it is a good choice to set '-E$'.
-X --export Enable the export mode and create small and machine readable text files for easy post processing.
-Y --extended-errors Enable extended error messages. This includes a source file and line reference. Logging level 1 activates it too. --xerr is a short cut.
--force The tools analyse input files and reject files with invalid data structures. If --force is set, little repairable issues are ignored and a warning is printed.

Option --kmp force does the same, but only for KMP files.


-h --help Stop parsing the command line, print a help message and exit.
-i --ignore Ignore non existing source files without warning.
--in-order Process the input files in order of the command line and don't delete duplicates.
--le-04x Use format %04x instead of %03x for LE-CODE slots to enable uniform slot numbers if slots >4095 are used.
--le-code [=param] This option is completely ignored by wlect. It only exists due to compatibility with the other tools.
--le-define file Use this file as definition file to patch LE-CODE. The file format can be LE-BIN or any supported CT-CODE file (BRRES, TEX0, CT-CODE or CT-TEXT).
--lex-purge Delete LEX sections without any impact. This option is executed after all --lt-* options.
--rm-features Remove LEX setion FEAT (features) if exists. It is executed after --lex-purge. --lex-rm-features is an alternative name.
--load-bmg file Load immediately the file to fill an internal message pool. The option can be used multiple times to fill the message pool by different sources. A later message overrides the previous message.

The internal message pool is patched by all --patch-bmg options.

--load-category file Read in a CATEGORY file and replace the internal category database with the content. is the authoritative source for this.
--load-prefix file Read in a PREFIX file and replace the internal prefix database with the content. is the authoritative source for this.
--log-cache file Define a file to log chache activities. Use '-' to log to stdout or stderr. The file is openend in append-mode.
-L --logging This debug option enables the logging of internal lists and maps. Set it up to three times to be more verbose.
-l --long Print long numeric message IDs instead of alternative message names like Txx, Uxx or Mxx.
--lpar file Read a LPAR file to overwrite settings of LE-CODE section LPAR.
--lt-clear Clear LEX section TEST and remove the section if empty. This option is executed before all other --lt-* options.
--lt-cond-bit bitnum Set LEX/TEST parameter COND-BIT to this integer value. Use -1 to deactivate this COND-BIT. If needed, LEX section TEST are created or removed if empty.
--lt-engine mode Set LEX/TEST parameter ENGINE to this MODE. MODE is one of AUTO (default), BATTLE, 50CC, 100CC, 150CC, 200CC, 150M or 200M. Only track.szs files are modified. If needed, LEX section TEST is created or removed if empty.
--lt-game-mode mode Set LEX/TEST parameter GAME-MODE to this MODE. MODE is one of AUTO (default), Balloon, COIN, VERSUS or ITEMRAIN. If needed, LEX section TEST is created or removed if empty.
--lt-n-players offline,online Set LEX/TEST parameters N-OFFLINE and N-ONLINE to these integer values. If needed, LEX section TEST is created or removed if empty.
--lt-online value Set LEX/TEST parameter OFFLINE-ONLINE to this MODE. MODE is one of AUTO (default), NEVER or ALWAYS. If needed, LEX section TEST is created or removed if empty.
--lt-random index Force a random scenario, if INDEX is between 1 and 8. Value 0 enables auto selection and -1 disables this option. If needed, LEX section TEST is created or removed if empty.
--macro-bmg file Load a BMG file and add the messages to the macro library; already existing entries are replaced. The macro library is accessed by escape sequence \m{MID} as fallback, if the active file has not already defined the message MID by itself.
-M --max-file-size size This security option defines the maximum file size for input files; larger files are ignored with a warning. The default unit is MiB and the default size is 100 MiB (2 GiB for LTA); that should be enough for standard usage.
--max-width maxwidth Define the maximum terminal width (number of columns) for help and some other messages. The default is 120. This option is ignored if --width is set.
--move-tracks directory Define a search directory for all included tracks. Files found in this directory are moved to the directory specified by option --track-dir. If moving fails, the file is copied and the source removed.
--move1-tracks directory Define a search directory for all included tracks. Files found in this directory are moved to the directory specified by option --track-dir, but only if a file has not more than one hard link. This guarantees an unique version of the file. If the file has more hard links or moving fails, the file is copied and the source removed.
--no-colors Deactive colorized text. This is the default, if an output file is not a terminal.
--no-echo Suppress output of @ECHO commands while scanning text files.
-H --no-header Suppress the syntax information section in BMG text files.
--no-pager Forbid the internal usage of a pager.
-P --no-param Disable parameter support in decoded KMP text files.
--no-wildcards Disable wildcard parsing and use each filename exactly as specified.
--number If a file already exist, append a number directly before the file extension to make the filename unique. If other numbered files already exist (ignoring case), use the maximum existing index+1. --num is a short cut.
--order-all Used together with option --order-by: Re-distribute the tracks of all cups beginning with Mushroom Cup.
--order-by bmg Load the BMG file and filter track names. Then before creating output files, re-distribute the tracks of the additonal cups (9-) to the same cups by the order of the read track names. Tracks without BMG reference are placed at the end of all tracks. This option modifes only the track order of the cups, but will not change any name.
-o --overwrite Overwrite already existing files without warning and ignore option --number.
--patch-bmg mode[cond][=param] This option specifies a BMG patch mode. Some of the modes need a parameter or a file name of a BMG patch file (raw or text BMG), both separated by an equal sign. Modes with required file names are PRINT, REPLACE, INSERT, OVERWRITE, DELETE, MASK, EQUAL and NOTEQUAL. Modes with text parameter are FORMAT, REGEXP and RM-REGEXP. Standalone modes are ID, ID-ALL, UNICODE, RM-ESCAPES, RM-CUPS, CT-COPY, CT-FORCE-COPY, CT-FILL, LE-COPY, LE-FORCE-COPY, LE-FILL, X-COPY, X-FORCE-COPY and X-FILL. Unique abbreviations are allowed.

The optional condition COND is either '?MID' or '!MID'. In case of '?MID', the patch is only applied if the message id MID already exists. In case of '!MID', the patch is only applied if the message id MID does not exists.

If this option is used multiple times, all patch files will be processed in the entered order.

--patch-names If set, the names of the CUP1 and CSR1 sections are patched by the loaded BMG files directly after loading the source files.
--perf-mon [=mode] Enable or disable the performance monitor. Mode is one of OFF, AUTO (default, don't change setting), ON (enable it for Wii and Wii U only; default, if option is used without parameter) or FORCE (enable it for Wii, Wii U and for Dolphin).
--plus chars If a name begins with a plus sign, then all characters up to the first space are recognized as a plus prefix. The first part consists of all the plus signs followed by any other characters. The first character of the second part is used to determine the sort value. If the second part is empty, then the last plus sign is used instead.

The higher sorting value is now calculated from the number of plus signs in the first part, the more plus signs, the smaller the value. The first character from the second part determines the lower value. If it is in parameter CHARS then the position determines the value, otherwise the ASCII value to which 500 is added.

-p --preserve Preserve file times (atime+mtime) while converting or copying files.
-q --quiet Be quiet and print only error messages. Multiple use is possible. Previous use of --verbose is reverted. The impact is command dependent. If set at least three times, almost all error messages will be suppressed.
-r --remove-dest Remove already existing files before creating it. If set, --overwrite is ignored. --rm-dest is a short cut.
--repair-magics [=mode] Control the reparing of missing or wrong magics of files and sub-files by analysing file path and file extension. MODE is one of OFF (default), ANALYZE or REPAIR (default, if set without mode). OFF disables this feature, ANALYZE enables it for analysis only, and REPAIR repairs all magics while reading the files. Keyword FNAME can be appended (separated by a comma) to give filename scanning the highest priority.


--round Print additional lines with rounded values (to 3 and 2 bytes for floats and 7 and 6 bytes for doubles).
--sections Print in machine readable sections and parameter lines.
--speedometer [=mode] Enable or disable the speedometer. Mode is one of OFF, AUTO (default, don't change setting), ON (default, if option is used without parameter) or FRACTION (=1DIGIT), 2DIGITS and 3DIGITS.
--szs-mode mode If a track is inserted via the SZS file, then the associated directory is automatically included in the list of search directories for option --track-dir. This option now sets the transfer mode. OFF turns this feature off. The values COPY, MOVE, MOVE1 and LINK define one of the 4 modes. Default mode is LINK.
-t --test Run in test mode, modify nothing.


--timing Activate the timing of some operations. Logging level 3 activates them too.
--track-dir directory Define a destination directory, where track files are copied, moved or linked to. Usually it is .../Race/Course/.

Files are searched in directories defined by --copy-tracks, --move-tracks, --move1-tracks and --link-tracks in definition order. Already existing files are removed before operation.

-u --update Update only existing files and don't create new files. If set, --overwrite and --remove-dest are ignored.
-v --verbose Be verbose and print more progress information. Multiple use is possible. Previous use of --quiet is reverted. The impact is command dependent.
-V --version Stop parsing the command line, print a version info and exit.
-W --warn list Enable or disable warnings. Parameter 'list' is a comma separated list of keywords. A minus sign before a keyword disables a warning. Each occurrence of the option will only change entered warning and all other warnings are untouched.

Keyword DEFAULT resets the default settings, OFF disables and ALL enables all. The other allowed keywords are: INVALID-OFFSET.

--width width Define the terminal width (number of columns) for help and some other messages and disable the automatic detection of the terminal width.
--xhelp Stop parsing the command line and print a help message with all commands included. Exit after printing.
--xpflags [=mode] Enable or disable support for Extended Presence Flags. Mode is one of OFF, AUTO (default) or ON (default, if option is used without parameter). Disable it only for tests!
-z --zero This option affects the exit status of the programs. Instead of an exit status, the value 0 is returned for OK. This happens for notices (-z, status<15), warnings (-zz, status<29), errors (-zzz, status<115) and fatal errors (-zzzz). The exit status for INTERRUPT (112) is never replaced.