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wstrt hexdump

Dump the content of DOL files as hex dump and use virtual addresses. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed. Select parts by --vaddr, --faddr and --sname. Without selectors, the whole file is dumped.


1.   Syntax

wstrt HEXDUMP file...

2.   Options

Option Param Description
--no-wildcards Disable wildcard parsing and use each filename exactly as specified.
--in-order Process the input files in order of the command line and don't delete duplicates.
-i --ignore Ignore non existing source files without warning.
--vaddr RANGE Comma separated list of virtual addresses to select the hex-dump ranges. Each element is either ADDRESS (1 byte) or START:END or START#SIZE.
--faddr RANGE Comma separated list of file addresses to select the hex-dump ranges. Each element is either ADDRESS (1 byte) or START:END or START#SIZE.
--sname LIST Comma separated list of section names to select the hex-dump ranges.
-L --logging This debug option enables the logging of internal lists and maps. Set it up to three times to be more verbose.
-Y --extended-errors Enable extended error messages. This includes a source file and line reference. Logging level 1 activates it too. --xerr is a short cut.
--timing Activate the timing of some operations. Logging level 3 activates them too.
--i1 Format: Print single bytes as integer number (default).
--i2 Format: Print each 2 bytes as integer number.
--i3 Format: Print each 3 bytes as integer number.
--i4 Format: Print each 4 bytes as integer number.
--i5 Format: Print each 5 bytes as integer number.
--i6 Format: Print each 6 bytes as integer number.
--i7 Format: Print each 7 bytes as integer number.
--i8 Format: Print each 8 bytes as integer number.
--float Format: Print each 4 bytes as floating point number.
--double Format: Print each 8 bytes as double floating point number.
--le Use little endian for binary data.
--be Use big endian for binary data (default).
--zeros Print integer numbers with leading zeros.
--hex Print integer numbers as hexadecimal numbers (default).
--dec Print integer numbers as decimal numbers.
--c-syntax Print output in `C' syntax.
--address addr Use ADDR instead of null as start address for the dump.
--align Try to align the dump, so that the addresses (printed or not) are multiple of bytes-per-line.
--trigger num If the number NUM is found and printed, close the current line and start with a new one. If --align is set too, continue the next line with the current column. The trigger works only for integer formats, but not for floats.
--no-address Suppress the address column of the dump.
--no-numbers Suppress the numbers column of the dump.
--no-text Suppress the text column of the dump.
--format Add '#FORMAT:' info lines.
--no-null Ignore data lines with NULL bytes only and print a summary for each NULL block. ('#NULL: ...')
--narrow Suppress the spaces that are usually inserted for readability.
--small Each call will halve the number of bytes per line. Usually, 16 bytes per lines are reduced to 8, then to 4, 2 and 1. The effective number of bytes per line is format dependent.
--wide Each call will round down the current bytes per line value to the next multiple of 16 and then increment it by 16. Usually, 16 bytes per lines are enhanced to 32, then to 48, 64, 80 and so on. The effective number of bytes per line is format dependent.
--bytes num Print up to NUM bytes per line instead of 16. The maximum allowed value is 600. The effective number of bytes per line is format dependent (multiple of format size).