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wkmpt ktpt

Analyse the start positions (KMP:KTPT) and lap counters (KMP:CKPT with mode 0) and print a simple information list. Use enemy points (KMP:ENPT) to find recommendations.

This command is dedicated to LE-CODE, which supports an alternative position for the finish line at the minimap.


1.   Syntax

wkmpt KTPT [source]...

2.   Options

Option Param Description
--no-wildcards Disable wildcard parsing and use each filename exactly as specified.
--in-order Process the input files in order of the command line and don't delete duplicates.
-i --ignore If set, ignore non existing source files and files without KMP without warning.
--colors [=modus] Define the modus for colored text output. Allowed keywords are: OFF or NO-COLORS to disable colors, AUTO (default) for automatic detection, ON for automatic detection but never OFF, 8-COLORS and 256-COLORS to force 8 or 256 color support. Without parameter, ON is used.

AUTO will enable colorized output only for terminals. AUTO and ON use environment variable TERM to find the correct color modus.

If a command is prefixed by 'C-', then --color=ON is used implicitly as default.

--no-colors Deactive colorized text. This is the default, if an output file is not a terminal.
--ktpt2 vector Insert or replace a second KTPT. Use VECTOR as new position. VECTOR is either X,Z or X,Y,Z or an expression. Set Y to 0 for an automatic defined height.

If the first 4 characters of VECTOR are 'AUTO' (ignoring case), then the position is calculated automatically and set to the recommendation of command wkmpt KTPT.

The tool looks for the nearest lap counter (CKPT with mode 0) and adjust the KTPT: The direction of the lap counter is copied and the KTPT is moved to the lap counter line using the new direction.

LE-CODE uses the second KTPT to draw the finish line at another place away from the start position.

-l --long If set, compare each KTPT with each lap counter (some CKPT) and print positions, directions, distances and recommendations as wide table.