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wszst features

Analyse track files and create a feature list for each source in machine readable format. CTGP uses the feature lists to manage ghosts. See option --lex-features for details. Wildcards and pipe characters are parsed.


1.   Syntax

wszst FEATURES [source]...

2.   Options

Option Param Description
--no-wildcards Disable wildcard parsing and use each filename exactly as specified.
--in-order Process the input files in order of the command line and don't delete duplicates.
-i --ignore Ignore non existing source files without warning.
-B --brief Suppres comments at all. If set twice, suppress empty lines (for grouping) too. If set three times, omit inactive features (value 0) too.
-l --long If set, a comma-separated list of letters is added to the end of each feature. If set twice, the output is filled with minus signed to get an aligned string. The letters used are: S (section), V (visual impact), B (battle impact), R (racing impact), T (time trial impact), L (local=offline impact) and O (online impact).
-q --quiet Suppress logging of input and output files.
--sections Dump info using configuration or section syntax. Use --var name as prefix.
--sh Dump info using SH syntax. Use --var name as prefix.
--bash Dump info using BASH syntax. Use --var name as prefix.
--json Dump info using JSON syntax. Options --var and --array are ignored.
--php Dump infos using PHP syntax. Use --var name as variable name of the resulting object.
--makedoc Dump infos using MakeDoc syntax. Use --var name as variable name of the resulting map.
--var varname Use VARNAME as variable name or prefix on script output. The default value is 'res' for variables and 'res_' as prefix.
--array Use an array on script output if possible. If arrays are not supported, then append a '_#' suffix with an zero based index to the variable name defined by --var name. In this case, only one output file is created.
--avar varname Shortcut for: --array --var name
--case case CASE is one of LOWER, AUTO (default) or UPPER. If LOWER or UPPER are set, then the lower/upper case of the variable names is adjusted accordingly.
-d --dest path Define a destination path (directory/file). The destination - means: write to standard output.

The path may contain escape sequences: %Q is replaced by the fully qualified source name. %P and %F are replaced by the source path or by the filename. %N and %E are replaced by source filename without extension or by the source extension. Finally, %T is replaced by the default extension of the destination format.

A '?' direct behind '%' in %E and %T conversions avoid that the same extension is used twice in row.

-D --DEST path Like --dest, but create the directory path automatically.