Options | |||
Option | Param | Description | |
--no-wildcards | Disable wildcard parsing and use each filename exactly as specified. | ||
--in-order | Process the input files in order of the command line and don't delete duplicates. | ||
-i | --ignore | Ignore non existing source files without warning. | |
-l | --long | If set, print the matrices too. If set twice, print minimum and maximum values too. | |
-r | --remove-dest | Remove already existing files before creating it. If set, --overwrite is ignored. |
-p | --preserve | Preserve file times (atime+mtime) while converting or copying files. | |
-C | --compr | level | Define a compression level between
Because of many repeated data, the best bz-compression mode varies. Therefor the levels Do not use compression level >6 for LZMA if the file is intended for Mario Kart Wii, as too much memory is required for decoding.
Option --norm takes precedence over --compr and sets the compression level for bzip2 to For more modes and details type wszst -C list. To force colorized output type wszst -C clist. |
-n | --norm | The uncompressed data will be normalized. See command NORMALIZE for more details. | |
--links | Support hardlinks while creating U8 and WU8 archives. Keep hardlinks if normalizing U8 and WU8 archives. On extracting, search hardlinks in every archive and try to create hardlinks at local file system. | ||
--align-u8 | size | Define an align value for the sub files in U8 archives. The value must be a power of 2 and the default value is 32 (0x20) This value is only relevant if creating or normalizing U8 archives. | |
--align-lta | size | Define an align value for the sub files in LTA archives. The value must be a power of 2 and the default value is 32 (0x20) This value is only relevant if creating LTA archives. | |
--align-pack | size | Define an align value for the sub files in PACK archives. The value must be a power of 2 and the default value is 32 (0x20) This value is only relevant if creating or normalizing OACK archives. | |
--align-brres | size | Define an align value for the sub files in BRRES archives. The value must be a power of 2 and the default value is 4 This value is only relevant if creating or normalizing BRRES archives. | |
--align-breff | size | Define an align value for the sub files in BREFF archives. The value must be a power of 2 and the default value is 4 This value is only relevant if creating or normalizing BREFF archives. | |
--align-breft | size | Define an align value for the sub files in BREFT archives. The value must be a power of 2 and the default value is 0x20 This value is only relevant if creating or normalizing BREFT archives. | |
--align | size | Define an align value for the sub files in all archives. This is a short cut for --align-u8=size {--align-lta=size --align-pack=size --align-brres=size --align-breff=size --align-breft=size. | |
--pt-dir | [=mode] | Set one of the `point directory' modes This option is only relevant if creating an U8 archive. It decides, if a special directory with name '.' will be added as base for all other files. |
--rm-aiparam | Remove the directory AIParam and all files from the archive. This option has only impact, if creating a new archive or normalizing an existing archive. |
--auto-add | Analyze the KMP (if exist) and add missing BRRES, BREFF, BREFT, BRASD and KCL files automatically, if the tool can find the files in any sub directory named 'auto-add'. This sub directory is searched in all directories of |
--fast | Short cut for --compr=fast: Set the fastest real compression. It also overrides compression rates set by --norm or --compr. | ||
-c | --const | list | Define constant values, that are used by the internal encoders and by the numeric options as predefined global variables. This option allows a conditional encoding of text files. It can be used multiple times for multiple definitions.
The parameter is a comma separated list of terms and a term is ' |
--touch | Mark the minimap as modified to force a new calculation of the translation and inverse matrices. | ||
--auto | Calculate the minimap translations automatically by using the minimum and maximum vertex coordinates. The 'scale' and 'rotation' fields are reset. This is done as first action before the SET, CENTER and the other transformations. | ||
--set-flags | flag | Define the flag values (default 0x31f) of the minimap. | |
--set-scale | vector | Define the scale values (default 1.0) of the minimap. The parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). | |
--set-rot | vector | Define the rotation values (default 0.0) of the minimap. The parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). | |
--set-x | v1[,v2] | Define 2 values and sort them to define the minimum and maximum x-coordinates of the minimap. If 'v2' is not entered, '-v1' is used as second value. | |
--set-y | v1[,v2] | Define 2 values and sort them to define the minimum and maximum y-coordinates of the minimap. If 'v2' is not entered, '-v1' is used as second value. | |
--set-z | v1[,v2] | Define 2 values and sort them to define the minimum and maximum z-coordinates of the minimap. If 'v2' is not entered, '-v1' is used as second value. | |
--xcenter | Center the minimap in x-direction. This is done after AUTO and SET, but before SCALE and SHIFT. | ||
--ycenter | Center the minimap in y-direction. This is done after AUTO and SET, but before SCALE and SHIFT. | ||
--zcenter | Center the minimap in z-direction. This is done after AUTO and SET, but before SCALE and SHIFT. | ||
--center | Center the minimap in all 3 directions. This is a short cut for --xcenter --ycenter --zcenter. | ||
--scale | vector[@origin] | Transform the data: Scale all coordinates and size values by 'vector' relative to the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, Negative values mirror the coordinates. Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, ROTATE, TRANSLATE. |
--shift | vector | Transform the data: Add 'vector' to all coordinates. It's simlar to --translate, but the addition is done before rotation. The parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z').
Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, ROTATE, TRANSLATE. |
--xss | x1old,x1new,x2old,x2new | --xss (x-scale-shift) calculates the X values of --scale and --shift, so that old values are transformed to the new values. The parameters are numbers or expression. | |
--yss | y1old,y1new,y2old,y2new | --yss (y-scale-shift) calculates the Y values of --scale and --shift, so that old values are transformed to the new values. The parameters are numbers or expression. | |
--zss | z1old,z1new,z2old,z2new | --zss (z-scale-shift) calculates the Z values of --scale and --shift, so that old values are transformed to the new values. The parameters are numbers or expression. | |
--rot | degree[@origin] | Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' (is a vector) around the 3 axes. All 3 axes goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,y,z'). Option --rot is an alternative for --xrot, --yrot and --zrot to define all 3 rotations in one step. Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE. |
--xrot | degree[@origin] | Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' around the x-axis, that goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('y,z' or 'x,y,z'). Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE. |
--yrot | degree[@origin] | Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' around the x-axis, that goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE. |
--zrot | degree[@origin] | Transform the data: Rotate all coordinates and rotation values by the angle 'degree' around the z-axis, that goes through the point 'origin'. If the origin is not set, Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,y' or 'x,y,z'). Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, X-ROTATE, Y-ROTATE, Z-ROTATE, TRANSLATE. |
--ypos | pos | This option defines an Y position for KMP:CKPT transformations. It has only impact to X and Z rotations (Options --xrot and --zrot). If not set, the mean y of the active rotation origins are used. | |
--translate | vector | Transform the data: Add 'vector' to all coordinates. It's simlar to --shift, but the addition is done after rotation. The parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated expression list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). Transformations are calculated in the order SCALE, SHIFT, ROTATE, TRANSLATE. |
--null | Create a neutral transformation without affecting the coordinates. The only influence is, that the dependent values (like maximum) are re-calculated as if a transformation has taken place. | ||
--next | Close the current transformation step with all scaling, shifting, rotation and translation options and open a new step with cleared options. On transformation each step is logical done one by one. In real, one total transformation matrix is calculated and used for fast transformations.
If option --next is used, the ability for modifying the scale and rotation vectors (not the positions) of different KMP sections is nearly always lost. A warning is printed if this occurs. |
--ascale | factor@dir | Transform the data and do an axis scale: Close the current transformation step like --next and scale the data by This kind of transformation is EXPERIMENTAL! |
--arot | degree[@pos1]@pos2 | Transform the data and do an axis rotation: Close the current transformation step like --next and rotate the data by This kind of transformation is EXPERIMENTAL! |
--tform-script | script | Load the script and execute it by the text parser.
Then for each coordinate (2D and 3D), call the macro
For each file, macro Before each macro call, the private and local variables are cleared and only global parameters are permanent. The zero based index is cleared for each new source. The parameters of the macro calls are defined in the local name space. |
wszst minimap [options] <FILE>..If
wszst minimap [options] map.mdl wszst minimap [options] map_model.brres wszst minimap [options] track.szs
The options (see above) decide, which data is printed and how, if ever, the data is manipulated. If using the option --test (-t), the command tells only, what it would do.
Remember allways: The data defines the view region of the minimap. So larger values make the minimap smaller.
If option --auto is set and possible, the following algorithm is used:
The general syntax using the auto option is:
wszst minimap --auto map.mdl wszst minimap --auto map_model.brres wszst minimap --auto track.szsThe last command is the easiest way to fix the minimap of a ready track.
The minimap should be 20% smaller.
Therefor the view region must be enlarged by about 25% (see below).
You can do this, by adding the option
wszst minimap --auto --scale 1.25 map.mdl wszst minimap --auto --scale 1.25 map_model.brres wszst minimap --auto --scale 1.25 track.szs
Some mathematics:
The scale factor
The option
wszst minimap --auto --scale 100.0/N track.szs # general wszst minimap --auto --scale 100.0/80 track.szs # 80%Don't forget the